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These three digital downloads are packed with information. If your computer's media player does not open immediately upon clicking, check your computer's Downloads folder.
To get the most out of these materials:
-Find a quiet place where you can spend an hour listening
-Wear comfy clothes
-Have an animal nearby
-Have a notebook and pen ready
I suggest listening through an entire recording before starting the exercises.
"Sweet Kisses" is a step by step guide to cleaning your pet's teeth in a way that will create a deeper bond between you. If you've struggled with this process, you'll be amazed at how significantly working with my method, changes the mood and outcome.
You and your pet will enjoy a more harmonious relationship, and let go of the need to struggle.
Sweet Kisses focuses on cleaning dog's and cat's teeth. I also discuss dental care for: equines, guinea pigs, bunnies, hedgehogs and birds. I'd like to emphasize the following for guinea pigs and bunnies: a diet of 80% quality hay is vital for their overall health and for keeping teeth trimmed. Please visit the House Rabbit Society website for detailed information.
If you need to contact me, my email is ukrainiansoulfood (at) gmail (d0t) com
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Please note this program is for your personal use. The links to this program are legally protected, and may not be shared with anyone else. Studying my materials does not constitute any kind of certification or approval by me, to practice animal training or communication with others' pets.
You are on your way to solving your pet problems, for a harmonious, happy relationship!
Raisa Stone
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