Baba's Linyvi (Lazy) Recipes

Lazy Varenyky (Perogies) & Lazy Holubtsi (Cabbage Rolls)

Get your Lazy Holubtsi recipe below!

This kind of lazy thing you see only in Canada. If you ask Baba, is like eating soup from can, but all grandchildren say, “I have no time, Baba. I need do fancy hair, Baba. I too busy taking over corporation, Baba.”

Kasha nasha, tativ borshch,
Baba say. The kasha may be mine but the father made the borshch. This nonsense coming from father side of family. Which father, you want to know. Like is your business, Baba say to you.

But you know, Baba try lazy varenyky (perogy) once or twice. Like some thing in life, it taste pretty good if you close eye tight.

You don't want to spend whole day gossiping with neighborhood and burning yourself with steaming cabbage to make holubtsi (cabbage rolls)? Baba teach you trick for peeling cabbage. In her book, she teach you entire lazy hobutsi recipe.

Take only one person, and one hour prep time. Three hour from start, to stuffing your face. Holubtsi is roasting by himself for two hour, and you doing something else Baba don't want to hear about.

Here is trick for peeling leaf from cabbage: Clean out freezer so you have room for cabbage, size your head. Put head cabbage in plastic bag. Stick inside freezer for at least forty eight hour. OR, if is middle of winter, lock cabbage in trunk of that junky car in front your trailer. Don't forget where you leave, or in spring your relative will have to move out of car because of smell.

This mean you have to plan ahead. Maybe this not so easy like Baba first think.

After two or three day, take cabbage out from freezer. Take out from plastic. Put in colander thing and let thaw overnight with no disturbance. If you make disturbance, cabbage might think it better off without you.

Next day, take out core like Baba teach you. Cabbage leaf will almost fall off by themself. Have clean towel underneath to catch wet.

Baba's Kitchen will teach you how to make lazy lazy lazy holubtsi that don't require no rolling. They taste just as good as roll kind. Almost.

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